Thursday, July 18, 2013


In May, I started something new that has changed my life forever. I think an important aspect of life is pushing our own limits and always being open to trying new things.  I joined a crossfit gym and have been addicted ever since. They said it was like joining a cult, and after three months, I could not be happier in the cult I joined! :)

One thing it has taught me is the importance of setting goals. During May and June, I was introduced and practiced movements with weights and cardio, such as running and rowing, that I never did before! So far, I already have two personal records on the board for July! I have noticed this month how much stronger I am and how I mentally push myself beyond my own limits. I love the teamwork and family atmosphere in my gym and love cheering on my new friends just as much as I enjoy personal success. Last night, with the push I needed from my coach, I attempted, and mastered double unders!  Writing my name on the personal record board AGAIN in July was an amazing feeling. High fiving my fellow crossfitters when running during the grueling workout last night was motivation and push to keep pushing for success! I have met so many new friends, and when you are in the box so often, they become like family. Joining the IF team has been an awesome experience!

With that said, doesn't it seem familiar to a school setting? The kids are the teammates and the classroom is like the crossfit box. Everyday we are setting personal goals and hoping to achieve personal records! This fall, I will be the "coach" and hope to inspire and lead my students the same way my coaches have done for me. Throughout the year, I hope to see them gain mental toughness and confidence that they can do anything they put their mind to.

After looking at countless classroom themes, such as apples, the zoo, rockstars, pirates, etc. I think I have a classroom theme finally-- The Box of Champions. I plan to incorporate black, white and neon colors, but it will also include a personal record board, goal board, and many other fun items like in the crossfit box. Teamwork will be enforced and rewarded! I'm even more excited to decorate now. Any ideas for my room??  Please feel free to share!

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